観光、旅行、和食・洋食レストラン、特産品、産地直送、カフェに (パソコンHPへ)(携帯HPへ)
G広告 広告主指定広告

Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors


G広告 広告主指定広告

九州ジャンガラはGINZA SIXより昭和通り方向に1本奥に入った通りにあり、常に外国人が列を作っているラーメン店。




Kyushu Jangara

Kyushu Jangara is a ramen shop located one street back from GINZA SIX in the direction of Showa-dori, and there is always a line of foreigners

The reason for this is that there are few authentic tonkotsu ramen restaurants in Ginza, the location is easy to get to, and there are many explanatory materials for foreigners posted outside the store, making it a restaurant that welcomes foreigners.

Customers from Islamic countries are likely to be pleased with the fact that they offer vegan ramen (for complete vegetarians, whose diet is more strictly vegetarian than just vegetarian).

Kyushu ramen's characteristic well-simmered pork bone soup (tonkotsu soup) is filled with thin noodles, which are then mixed with red ginger and garlic.

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Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors
Ginza 1-4Chome
(Map, Text)

