,Page Top, Populism and plummeting of Japan government bond prices,,Preparing for emergencies,Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors ,Ginza 1-4Chome (Map, Text),,Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors,Ginza 4-8 Chome (Map, Text)
(by Copilot,Bing)
政治には「危機への対処」をテコに支出拡大に向かう慣性がある。財政支出の拡大は選挙民に分かりやすく、手っ取り早い集票の手段として利用される。これまでは投票率の高い高齢層や、国民の多くが働く中小企業に向けた財政支援策が、多く盛り込まれてきた。そこに、防衛予算や少子化対策が追加された。このままでは、財政赤字は拡大が続くばかりだ。こうした情勢のもとで、日銀は異次元緩和と称して大量かつ長期にわたり国債を買い入れてきた。政府はみずからの資金繰りを心配する必要がなくなり、金利もゼロ近傍で資金調達できるようになった。金利がゼロであればいくら借金を重ねても、当面は懐が傷まない。支出を拡大しようとする政治の世界にとっては、これほど有難い状況はなかった訳である。(Yahoo、 抜粋元・山本謙三「異次元緩和の済と罰」(講談社現代新書)
日本国債の外国人保有者割合は過去20年間で徐々に増加してきました。2004年 約5%、2010年 約7%、2015年 約10%、2020年約13%、2024年予想約13.3%
(by Copilot,Bing)
- 本文へ- - -
2022年日本経済は何処に向かって行くのか、その対応策、 2020年急激なインフレの可能性に対しどう対応すべきか、

A広告 一休 宿泊
「ウクライナは核兵器を持って防衛するか、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)に入るしかない。」- - - -公然と核の強化を唱える北朝鮮に誰も圧力をかけられない。-
- - -覇権を広げる野心を隠さないロシアや中国は核軍拡を急ぐ。小規模の戦術核が実践で使われる危険性がかってなく高まっているのは間違いない。全面核戦争に直結しない戦闘用の戦術核使用なら容認され、使いやすい
- - -そんな認識が広がれば、NPT体制が大国間のリアリズム外交の上でかろうじて守ってきた道徳秩序は瓦解する。(日経2024年12月2日)
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ABC Order
100yen Shop |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Daiso ダイソー |
Photo, Explanation |
Book Store |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Sanseido,三省堂 |
Photo, Explanation |
Book Store |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Kyobunkwan, 教文館 |
Photo, Explanation |
Daily Necessities |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
MUJI, 無印良品 |
,Photo, Explanation |
Electric Appliance |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Bic Camera, ビックカメラ |
,Photo Explanation, |
Fashion |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Uniqlo, ユニクロYurakucho |
Photo, Explanation |
Gold |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Tanaka,Gold Coins,Ingot 田中貴金属 |
Photo, Explanation |
Jewelries |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Mikimoto,Pearl ミキモト真珠 |
Photo, Explanation |
Jewelries |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Tiffany,Jewelries,ティファニー |
Photo, Explanation |
Stationaries |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Ito-ya 伊東屋 |
Photo, Explanation |
Super Market |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
OK Store, OKストア |
Photo, Explanation |
Sushi |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Kura Sushi くら寿司 |
Photo, Explanation |
Sushi |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
SUSHIRO,スシロー |
Photo, Explanation |
Watch |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Seiko, Watch セイコー、時計 |
Photo, Explanation |

A広告 羽田空港 産直
ABC Order
100yen Shop |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Seria セリア |
Photo, Explanation |
Bank |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
MitsubishiUFJ Bank 三菱UFJ銀行 |
Photo, Explanation |
Bank |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
MitsuiSumitomo Banking 三井住友銀行 |
Photo, Explanation |
Fashion |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Uniqlo ユニクロ |
Photo, Explanation |
Fasion |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Workmanワークマン |
Photo, Explanation |
Ramen |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Kyushujangara 九州ジャンガラ |
Photo, Explanation |
Restaurant |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Shiseido 資生堂パーラー |
Photo, Explanation |
Shoes |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Onitsuka Tigar, オニツカタイガー |
Photo, Explanation |
Smart Phone |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Apple, アップル |
Photo, Explanation |
Stationaries |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Kyukyodo 鳩居堂 |
Photo, Explanation |
Super Market |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Hanamasa ハナマサ |
Photo, Explanation |
Toys |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Hakuhinkan 博品館 |
Photo, Explanation |
(羽田空港 ジンギスカン)
A広告 羽田空港 和牛
,To The Page Top,
英語版 (English Version),
Google Search for Photo Navi Contents:Subway station name(Shinjuku/Shibuya),
Highway bus destination(Kawaguchi Lake/ Disney Land), Anti-aging, Sushi, Shopping, Foreign visitors, Jewelry, Asakusa, Art, Health etc.
You can use Google Chrome to open http://navi.ag-aoyama.com and translate Japanese into English, then click on your destination and
translate Japanese table of contents into English. Detailed Explanation.
Populism and plummeting of Japan government bond prices
1. Populism refers to political movements and ideologies that emphasize
the opinions and interests of ordinary citizens and oppose elites and the
existing political order. The word comes from the Latin work "populus(people)",
which translates as "populism" because it is a way to counter
the ruling forces by
listening to the grievances and aspirations of the masses.
Populism is particularly vulnerable to emergence during periods of heightened
economic inequality and political discontent, and is often directed by
leaders and parties that claim to represent the voices of ordinary citizens.
While populism has the advantage of reflecting the voices of the people
in politics, it risks deepening social divisions. This style of government
sometimes threatens the fundamental principles of
democracy, diversity and tolerance. (by Copilot, Bing)
2.In politics there is and inertia to increase spending using "crisis
response" as leverage. Increased spending is easy for the electorate
to understand, and it is used as a quick way to collect votes. Until now,
many finacial support measures have been includfed for the elderly with
high voter turnout and for small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs), where
many of the people work. In addition, the defense budget and measures to
address the declining birthrate were added. If this trend continues,the
budget deficit will only continue to grow. Under these circumstances, the
Bank of Japan has been purchasing a large amount of government bonds for
a long period of time under the guise of unprecedented easing. The government
no longer has to worry about its own cash flow,and it can raise funds at
interest rates close to zero. If the interest rate is zero, no matter how
much debt you accumulate, your pocket will not be damaged for the time
being. For the political world of trying to increase spending, there has
never been a more fortunate situation. (Yahoo, excerpt source:Kenzo Yamamoto
"Crime and Punishment of Quantitative and Qualtative Monetary Easing"
(Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)
3.The proportion of foreign holders of Japan government bonds has gradually increased over the past 20 years. Approx.5% in 2004, appox 7% in 2010, approx. 10% in 2015, approx. 13% in 2020, approx. 13.3% in 2024. (by Copilot, Bing)
4.When Japan government bonds crash, investors tend to avoid the Japan
yen, which may lead to a weaker yen. This is because investors sell yen
to avoid risk and move their funds to safer assets (e,g.dollars)
- - To the Text- - - -
Preparing for emergencies
Ukraine has no choise but to defend itself with nuclear weapons or join
the North Pacific Treaty Organizations ( NATO), and no one can put pressure
on North Korea, which openly advocates nuclear strengthening.
Russia and China, which do not hide their ambitions to expand their hegemoney,
are rushing to expand their nuclear armaments.
There is no doubt that the danger is increasing more than never.
Tactical nuclear weapons for combat that do not directly lead to all-out
nuclear war are acceptable and easy to use. If there is such a widespread
awareness, the moral order that the NPT regime has barely preserved in
the realist diplomacy between the great powers will be eradicated. NIKKEI
December 2,2024
It is somewhat misleading to refer to tactical nuclear weapons as low-powered.
Even 10 to 100 kilotons of destructive power is enough to cause massive
destruction, as the world witnessed in 1945 with the atomic bombs dropped
by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The destructive force at
this time was 15kilotons and 32 kilotons in TNT equivalent, respectively.
It is largely within the scope of Russia's tactical nuclear weapons.
CNN co.jp
Recently, North Korea has strengthened its military cooperation with Russia,
so it is not unrelated to Japan, which has a U.S. military base for North
Korea, and it seems necessory to advance preparations on a daily basis,
even if it is little by little. We examined what can be done under the
current system of Japan. - - - To the text- - - -
Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors
Ginza 1-4Chome (Map, Text)
ABC Order
100yen Shop |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Daiso ダイソー |
Photo, Explanation |
Book Store |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Sanseido,三省堂 |
Photo, Explanation |
Book Store |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Kyobunkwan, 教文館 |
Photo, Explanation |
Daily Necessities |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
MUJI, 無印良品 |
,Photo, Explanation |
Electric Appliance |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Bic Camera, ビックカメラ |
,Photo Explanation, |
Fashion |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Uniqlo, ユニクロYurakucho |
Photo, Explanation |
Gold |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Tanaka,Gold Coins,Ingot 田中貴金属 |
Photo, Explanation |
Jewelries |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Mikimoto,Pearl ミキモト真珠 |
Photo, Explanation |
Jewelries |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Tiffany,Jewelries,ティファニー |
Photo, Explanation |
Stationaries |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Ito-ya 伊東屋 |
Photo, Explanation |
Super Market |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
OK Store, OKストア |
Photo, Explanation |
Sushi |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Kura Sushi くら寿司 |
Photo, Explanation |
Sushi |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
SUSHIRO,スシロー |
Photo, Explanation |
Watch |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Seiko, Watch セイコー、時計 |
Photo, Explanation |
Return to,Where to go, by purpose page, ,

(A 広告 AU ふるさと納税
Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors
Ginza 4-8 Chome (Map, Text)
ABC Order
100yen Shop |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Seria セリア |
Photo, Explanation |
Bank |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
MitsubishiUFJ Bank 三菱UFJ銀行 |
Photo, Explanation |
Bank |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
MitsuiSumitomo Banking 三井住友銀行 |
Photo, Explanation |
Fashion |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Uniqlo ユニクロ |
Photo, Explanation |
Fasion |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Workmanワークマン |
Photo, Explanation |
Ramen |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Kyushujangara 九州ジャンガラ |
Photo, Explanation |
Restaurant |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Shiseido 資生堂パーラー |
Photo, Explanation |
Shoes |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Onitsuka Tigar, オニツカタイガー |
Photo, Explanation |
Smart Phone |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Apple, アップル |
Photo, Explanation |
Stationaries |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Kyukyodo 鳩居堂 |
Photo, Explanation |
Super Market |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Hanamasa ハナマサ |
Photo, Explanation |
Toys |
Ginza 銀座 English Map |
Hakuhinkan 博品館 |
Photo, Explanation |
Return to,Where to go, by purpose page,

(A広告 スーモ)