G広告 広告主指定広告

Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors



田中貴金属のホームページにアクセスすると、金価格の推移表があるので、ご参考まで。ちなみに、金の相場はグラム当たり  13,280円(2024年7月1日現在)で一年前の価格に比べて33.5% アップになっているが、これは金の値上がりもあるが、円安により円の手取りが大きくなっていることもあり、ダブルで上昇していることによる。(9,946 on Aug. 1 2023, 13,280 on July 1 2024)

Tanaka Kikinzoku

Tanaka Kikinzoku is one of Japan's leading gold dealers, whose price is quoted every time the gold market changes. You can purchase everything from small gold coins to gold ingots, and you can keep your purchases with Tanaka Kikinzoku, so you can buy them with confidence.

If you access Tanaka Kikinzoku website, you will find a table of gold price trends, so please refer to it. Incidentally, the price of gold is up 33.5% at yen per gram compared to the price a year ago, but this is due to the fact the price of gold has risen and the yen's take-home pay has increased due to the depreciation of the yen. (9,946 on Aug. 1 2023, 13,280 on July 1 2024)

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Shopping, dining, etc. for foreign visitors
Ginza 1-4Chome
(Map, Text)

