観光、旅行、レストラン、グルメ、カフェ、ダイニングに (パソコンHPへ)(携帯HPへ)



「御祭神」 徳川家康、徳川吉宗、徳川慶喜


Next to the gate before entering Ueno Toshogu Shrine, there is a "Simple Explanation on Toshogu shrine" on it, according to this,

"Sacred God": Tokugawa Ieyasu, Tokugawa Yoshimune, Tokugawa Yoshinobu

"Who build the Shrine and Why"
In February of the 2nd year of Genna (1616), Todo Takatora and Monst Tenkai, who were at Sunpu Castle for a visit, were invited to the sickbed of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was in critical condition, and bequeathed that he wanted the three of them to build a place where their souls could rest for a long time.

Therefore, the main shrine was built o this moutain in Ueno、which is the site of Takatora's house, in the 4th year of Kanei (1627). After that, Shogun Iemitsu was not satisfied with this building and rebuilt the current shrine in Keian 4 and made it a symbol of Edo. It is written here that Karamon Gate has a dragon sculpture made by Jingoro Hidari.

同じ地域: 上野駅:上野駅-上野公園上野駅-アメヤ横丁上野駅-上野公園さくら並木上野-上野広小路、上野公園:上野公園−不忍池桜-湯島上野公園-上野寛永寺・篤姫墓所上野公園−谷中−千駄木上野・谷中・根津・千駄木概要説明上野広小路:上野広小路-湯島天神上野広小路−上野上野広小路-秋葉原
